Compassion in Fashion: ACTAsia’s 7th International Fur Free Fashion Festival in Chongqing Attracts 12 International Speakers Advocating Sustainability and Beauty without Cruelty

ACTAsia’s ‘Compassion in Fashion Forum’ on 20th October welcomed highly experienced speakers who discussed this year’s theme ‘Compassionate Choices’ within the fashion and beauty industries, consumer trends towards next-generation materials and highlight that sustainability goals begin with fur free. See their quotes below



ART EXHIBITON: This year ACTAsia commissioned a stunning multi-sensory art exhibition under the theme Fur Free showcasing what fur fashion means to humans, animals and the environment, enabling visitors learn about serious issues through artwork. Xie Yong, a professor at Shenyang University’s Art Department, exhibited his sculptures and artwork of fur animals covered in needles under the title of ‘Fur Hurts’. And Award-winning Chinese illustrator, NuanNuan exhibited her artwork about ‘Why Fur is Cruel’ and presented ten question and answers about fur through illustrations to the public.  See artwork below


WELCOMING NEW FUR FREE DESIGNERS: During the opening of the Festival, ACTAsia unveiled three upcoming and award winning young Chinese new designers who have joined the International Fur Free Retailer Network. Meet the designers below


ACTAsia’s CEO & Founder Pei Su said: “ACTAsia was keen to be at the locational forefront of the fashion industry by hosting our 7th Annual Fur Free and Sustainable Fashion Festival in Chongqing right before the COP26, UN Climate Change Conference in order to reach the city’s generation Z and consumers who are interested in animals and the environment and sustainable fashion topics.”